A manual call point, also known as a manual pull station or manual fire alarm box, is a device used in fire protection systems to manually initiate an alarm. It is typically installed on walls or other accessible locations in buildings and facilities. The purpose of a manual call point is to allow individuals to quickly and easily activate the fire alarm system in case of an emergency, such as the detection of a fire or other hazardous situation.

Here's how a manual call point generally works:

  1. Activation: In the event of a fire or emergency, a person can manually activate the alarm by breaking the glass or opening the protective cover on the manual call point.

  2. Pulling the Handle or Pushing a Button: Once the protective cover is opened, the person can either pull a handle or push a button, depending on the design of the manual call point. This action triggers the alarm system.

  3. Alarm Signal: Activating the manual call point sends a signal to the fire alarm control panel, which then initiates the alarm sequence. This may include sounding alarms, flashing lights, and notifying relevant authorities or building occupants.

Manual call points are an important component of fire safety systems, providing a quick and direct means for individuals to raise the alarm when they identify a potential fire or other life-threatening situations. They are commonly found in various settings such as commercial buildings, industrial facilities, schools, and public spaces.