Collection: PCB

"PCB" can refer to different things depending on the context, but one common meaning is "Printed Circuit Board." Here's some information about Printed Circuit Boards:

Printed Circuit Board (PCB): A Printed Circuit Board is a flat board made of non-conductive material (typically fiberglass or composite epoxy) that supports and connects electronic components using conductive pathways, tracks, and signal traces. PCBs are a fundamental part of most electronic devices, providing a platform for the assembly and interconnection of various electronic components.

Key Components of a PCB:

  1. Substrate: The base material of the PCB, often made of fiberglass reinforced with epoxy resin (FR-4), which provides mechanical support.

  2. Copper Layer: Thin layers of copper foil are laminated onto the substrate. These copper layers are etched to create the conductive pathways that connect the electronic components.

  3. Solder Mask: A protective layer applied over the copper traces to prevent short circuits and corrosion. It is usually green, but other colors are also used.

  4. Silkscreen: A layer of ink applied to the PCB's surface for labeling and indicating component placement. It typically includes symbols, component designators, and other information.

  5. Components: Electronic components such as resistors, capacitors, integrated circuits, and connectors are mounted onto the PCB.

  6. Through-Hole Components: Components that have leads that pass through holes in the board and are soldered to the copper traces on both sides.

  7. Surface Mount Components: Components that are soldered directly to the surface of the PCB without passing through holes.